Design Your Cycling Jersey
In just a few minutes you can design a fully custom jersey just the way you want it. Manufactured with our highest quality materials and shipped to you in 14 days or less.

How It Works
In just 3 simple steps ]or just 2 if you don’t need any text element such as your name, your company or club name] you can order anything from a single item, or any quantity you like.
Step 1 - choose from one of our pre-designed styles to use as your starting point. You will see the design appear on the 3D model. At this stage, it has our default blue and white colour scheme. Now let’s make it more interesting…
Step 2 - there are up to 5 areas on the jersey that can be customised with whatever colours you choose. Start off by choosing a base colour, then pick the colour tabs for each accent colour. Experiment as much as you like until you’re happy.
Step 3 is optional. This is where you can add one or more text objects to your design. Just create the text object and then click on the jersey model to place it. You can then scale it, rotate it, colour it, and change fonts. You can add as many text objects as you like. How about adding your name on the front, or adding your team or club on the back. Use your imagination and get creative.

Our Production and Design Process
Our custom cycle wear is designed and produced in house. We use the very latest fabrics, designed for fit, comfort, style and durability. We thoroughly test each and every product before making it available for sale.
Every Garment Made with Care and Attention